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Quran App

iqrasarwar's github profile

A mobile application for quran with translation in urdu and English. You can view Quran surah wise and parah wise.

Drag and Drop

Deepanshu0703's github profile

This is a drag and drop app made using html,css and javascript. You can drag and drop the boxes to change their position.


PrernaSingh01's github profile

A straightforward Todo_App built with html, css, and javascript. It allows users to create tasks, and delete tasks. The app features a clean and responsive design, ensuring a seamless experience across devices.

Restaurant Website

govardhan-26's github profile

A visually appealing and well-designed Website for a Restaurant which has the Menu, Contact Details of the Restaurant and also a Booking Option for customers.

Cookie Clicker Bot

whiteknight16's github profile

A bot that can play the classic cookie clicker game

Discord Bot

SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

This is a .py script to Automate the Dicord using the Bot with the {'.'} commands.

Tweet Generator

RaviSolanki27's github profile

Create personalized Twitter post images with custom usernames, user IDs, tweet content, and profile pictures using this Next.js app built with TypeScript and Tailwind CSS.

Movie App

SurajG20's github profile

A Movie app made in reactjs using TMDB api deployed on Vercel


Soumyajit2825's github profile

A simple fan made web-page of LIONEL MESSI

shopzy e-commerce

kirtiraj22's github profile

It is the frontend part of an e-commerce website called Shopzy.